Raw Milk Formula - No Seed Oils: Dr. Mercola
Heather Hartman HealthShare
Please note, this is not my recipe. This recipe was created by Mary Enig, PhD for the Weston A. Price Foundation, and modified by Dr. Mercola.
You can find the original here, or in the book, Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, PhD. And the modifications in the article, Infant Soy Formula - A Risky Public Experiment. Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Dr. Mercola’s Preferred Healthy Homemade Infant Formula
36 ounces
From "How to Mitigate the Infant Formula Disaster":
If the opportunity to breastfeed has already passed, your next-best option is to make your own infant formula. The Weston A. Price Foundation has been a leader in this for years.
Dr. Mercola revised the Weston A. Price Foundation's original formula (which you can find here) based on his research into linoleic acid (LA), iron and other components. He believes it’s crucial to NOT include any kind of iron or seed oils with high LA content, for all the reasons detailed in “Iron Overload Destroys Mitochondria and Sabotages Health” and “How Linoleic Acid Wrecks Your Health.”
Dr. Mercola states he "would never use commercial infant formula as the recipe below is decidedly superior to commercial formulas and will give your child a major head start in life and preserve their health".
2 cups organic, whole, cow milk, preferably raw unprocessed milk from grass fed cows. For sources of good-quality milk, see www.realmilk.com or contact a local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation. See Note below.
4 tablespoons pure lactose (a milk sugar)
2 or more tablespoons of good quality, organic cream (regular, not ultrapasteurized). Use more if using milk from Holstein cows.
1 teaspoon of Carlson’s liquid cod liver oil
2 teaspoons organic, virgin coconut oil, available in most grocery and health food stores. The coconut oil provides medium-chain saturated fats also found in mother’s milk.
2 teaspoons non-fortified nutritional yeast flakes. Nutritional yeast provides essential folic acid.
4 teaspoons beef hydrolysate gelatin.
Before adding the gelatin into the formula, you’ll need to dissolve it in the recommended amount of water; heat gently until completely dissolved.
2 1/4 cups pure filtered water. Do NOT use tap water if your local water supplies contain fluoride.
Most filtration systems cannot filter out fluoride, so only use fluoride-containing tap water if you have a water filtration system that is certified to remove fluoride.
1 teaspoon acerola powder. Acerola is an excellent source of whole food vitamin C.
Optional: 1/4 cup homemade liquid whey
Optional: Monkfruit sweetener. If your child has gotten used to the sweetness of corn syrup-sweetened infant formula and is refusing unsweetened formula, you can use a little liquid monkfruit as a sweetener. However, AVOID any monkfruit brand that contains erythritol, which can cause gastrointestinal stress. Try to lower the amount used, over time, to discourage the development of a sweet tooth.
- Place all ingredients in a clean glass or stainless steel container and mix well. To ensure your mixing bowl is properly sanitized, place it in boiling hot water for a few minutes. Remove with tongs and let fully cool before using.
- To serve the formula, pour 6 to 8 ounces into a sanitized glass baby bottle, attach the nipple and set it in a pot of simmering water. Heat until the formula is warm but not hot to the touch. Always check the temperature of the formula before feeding using either the back of your hand or your tongue. Never ever heat formula in a microwave oven. You’ll need to make a batch every other day or so, but the formula can be frozen so you have a stash for emergencies.
Recipe Note
If the only choice available to you is commercial milk, choose whole milk, preferably grass fed organic and non-homogenized (Kalona SuperNatural non-homogenized organic milk is one example), and culture it with a Piima yogurt culture, available on CulturesForHealth.com, to restore enzymes.
For sensitive bellies, raw goat’s milk may be better, but since it’s low in vitamin B12, be sure to add 2 teaspoons of frozen organic chicken liver (boiled), finely grated, to each batch, and begin egg-yolk feeding at 4 months of age.