image of clean maple caramels made with coconut cream

Three Ingredient Maple Caramel

Heather Hartman Health

I am going to show you how to make an easy, clean, three ingredient maple caramel that you can make with or without dairy.

I decided to make my own after searching for caramels at my local grocery store. The leading “clean” caramel brand is free from dairy, gluten, soy, and corn syrup. But, is made with ingredients I don’t eat, like brown rice syrup, dried cane syrup, and xanthan gum.

The last time I made caramels was almost ten years ago, while working in a professional pastry kitchen in SF, but I remembered it being fairly easy. The hardest part was figuring out the maple caramel temperatures, as they differ from cane sugar.

@heatherhartmanhealth THREE INGREDIENT MAPLE CARAMELS I am going to show you how to make an easy, clean, three ingredient maple caramel that you can make with or without dairy. I decided to make my own after searching for caramels at my local grocery store. The leading “clean” caramel brand is free from dairy, gluten, soy, and corn syrup. But, is made with ingredients I don’t eat, like brown rice syrup, dried cane syrup, and xanthan gum. The last time I made caramels was almost ten years ago, while working in a professional pastry kitchen in SF, but I remembered it being fairly easy. The hardest part would be figuring out the maple caramel temperatures, as they differ from cane sugar. The method is so simple: Slowly heat maple syrup until it reaches 300-310F, wetting the sides of the pot with a pastry brush and water so it doesn’t burn. Then add fat - either coconut milk and coconut oil OR heavy cream and butter. Whisk thoroughly and cook until it reaches 260F. Test the caramel by dipping a spoon into it and running it under cold water. It should feel like caramel, but not sticky. Pour the caramel onto a sheet pan lined with parchment paper and let it rest at room temp until it’s cool. Then, transfer to your fridge for an hour or so, so that it’s easy to slice into squares or rectangles. You can use these caramel as is, or roll into these cylinder shapes and wrap in wax paper. No need to buy expensive candy wax paper. This is the Costco wax paper that I cut into smaller squares. And there you have it! Three ingredient, refined sugar free, clean, chewy, maple caramels. Let me know if you make it! Full recipe on my website. #maple #maplecaramels #cleancandy #threeingredients #chewycaramels ♬ Aesthetic Vibes - Megacreate
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